Who says neckties should be confined to the gentleman’s side of the wardrobe?Porter PepperellSep 10, 2020Ladies! This one’s for you and we could not agree more. Who says neckties should be confined to the gentleman’s side of the wardrobe? We love this article from Flora Macdonald Johnston for How To Spend It at the Financial Times! https://amp.ft.com/content/e3a2c6f4-1103-4b26-907f-881f016080d7
Ladies! This one’s for you and we could not agree more. Who says neckties should be confined to the gentleman’s side of the wardrobe? We love this article from Flora Macdonald Johnston for How To Spend It at the Financial Times! https://amp.ft.com/content/e3a2c6f4-1103-4b26-907f-881f016080d7